Monday, September 28, 2015

Where Am I?....

When I wrote this I was going through a particularly difficult time in my life.  I was deep into what we then called "The Stoner Life" and when you live that life of partying to excess you tend to make mistakes you often wish you could take back.

At 18 I had hit a few new lows, and for a time then, I truly thought I had lost my own soul.  This is a poem I wrote to depict an interesting experience I had, whether it was real or imagined, it was certainly an eye-opener for me to say the very least....

Where Am I

Once upon the stroke of Midnight
As I heard the clock’s bell tolling
I felt a wicked chilling sensation
Then noticed a limousine silently rolling

As it came up beside me I picked up my pace
And I imagined the worst possibilities
The window rolled down and a voice called my name
And what I saw, defied all probability

His face gazed upon me, capturing my soul
As if some unseen force held me bound
The clock then struck twelve, and on that last toll
I noticed around me not one little sound

“Who are you?” I asked, getting hold of my grip
And how do you know of my name?
He then simply smiled, the most wicked of grins
And he said, “You know me just the same”

His voice sounded cold yet deep in its tone
And it pierced right through to my soul
And that spellbinding smile, that deep evil grin?
Who was this? I just had to know

“Why are you here, and what do you want?”
I asked as the limousine pulled away
“Why nothing of course, I don’t already have”
And he laughed as he said, here you’ll stay

L.R. Waldon
© 1988